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What's is #NUPL (Net Unrealized Profit/Loss) ?

NUPL (Net Unrealized Profit/Loss) looks at the difference between Unrealized Profit and Unrealized Loss to determine whether the network as a whole is currently in a state of profit or loss. Net Unrealized Profit and Loss (#NUPL) is the difference between market cap and realized cap divided by market cap.

Assuming that the latest #coin movement is the result of a purchase, #NUPL indicates the total amount of profit/loss in all the coins represented as a ratio.

It could be interpreted as the #ratio of investors who are in profit.

To make it Simpler for you, Any Values over '0' indicate investors are in #profit and an increasing trend in value means more #investors are beginning to be in #profit.

This phase indicates the increasing reason to take #profit which leads to an increase in sell pressure.
🕒 30.05.2023 12:29💎 0≈0.000 Ƶ🔽 0